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Laravel + Vagrant + SequelPro

• 2 min read
Update 01.06.2014

With Version 4.2 Laravel introduced Homestead. A Vagrant-Box to make working with Laravel easier. If the tutorial below is to difficult to you, give Homestead a try.

I'm pretty new to Laravel and I just started to work on a new webapp (soon more) where I want to use Laravel in connection with Vagrant.

Since I didn't found a proper solution that worked for me, here is my little tutorial.

Note: At the time of writting this guide, I used Vagrant 1.4.3 and Mac OS X 10.9.2.

PuPHPet #

Head over to PuPHPet and configure your server like so:

Deploy Target

Screenshot of
Screenshot of

Remember Local VM IP Address. We need this later.


Set Server Nameto a URL you want to work with. Change Document Rootto /var/www/your-project-name/public.


Just remember the credentials. We need them later.
Just remember the credentials. We need them later.

All set? Then hit the download button.

Setup Vagrant #

I assume you have Vagrant alredy installed. If not, head over to their website and follow their Get Started Guide.

So you unpacked your PuPHPet-Files and moved them into your local development folder? Great. Next we should edit the Vagrant-File. I stumbled upon a permission error, when I used Laravel with Vagrant and searched through Stackoverflow and many forums, and the following changes should fix the problem:

Replace config.vm.synced_folder "#{folder['source']}", "#{folder['target']}", id: "#{folder['id']}", type: nfs

with config.vm.synced_folder "#{folder['source']}", "#{folder['target']}", id: "#{folder['id']}", type: nfs, :mount_options => ["dmode=777","fmode=666"]

(You find an example file here ). Save the file and open a terminal window and cd into your development folder.

  • Initialize Vagrant with vagrant up. This may take some minutes

  • SSH into VM with vagrant ssh
  • cd /var/www
  • Install Laravel with composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist. This may also take some minutes to download.
  • exit

Next we need to adjust our hosts-File. Open your Hosts-File via sudo nano /etc/hosts/and enter your previously entered IP-address and server name. In my example I used

Animated GIF showing the process of chaning hosts files
Animated GIF showing the process of chaning hosts files

If your'e done, open your browser and head to

Screenshot of the Laravel Welcomepage
Screenshot of the Laravel Welcomepage

If you don't see anything, try this in your terminal: chmod -R 777 your-project-name/app/storage.

Sequel Pro Settings #

PhpMyAdmin is ugly as hell and I don't like it anymore. So I use Sequel Pro. These are the credentials I use to connect to my VM.

Screenshot of SequelPro Settings Page
Screenshot of SequelPro Settings Page

MySQL-Host: (or IP that you choose for it) Username: dbuser (or username you created) Password: 123 (or your choosen MySQL Password)

SSH Host: (or IP that you choose for it) SSH User: vagrant (vagrants default username) SSH Pasword: vagrant (vagrants default password)

I hope this little guide helps you with setting up Laravel with Vagrant. If you have any problems, found a typo let me know.