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Introducing: Dirby

• 1 min read

Some weeks ago I silently open sourced Dirby. An opinionated Kirby theme.

An example page with syntax highlighted code.
An example page with syntax highlighted code.

My team and I were searching for an easy to use CMS to create a web documentation for our projects. We used Kirby in previous projects and were amazed by how easy you can customize and extend it. We quickly patched a working prototype together, but it never looked good. It never took off and nobody wanted to make it better. I took the opportunity, built Dirby and open sourced it.

Under the hood #

In its core, it's just Bootstrap, Hightlight.js (for code snippets), Clipboard.js (to share URLs) and some basic pages (Search, Sitemap and Login).

Use it! #

The installation is quite easy. Just copy site/*, content/* and assets/* into your Kirby installation. The default template (site/templates/default.php) loads the necessary files and you're ready to go. You find more information in the README file.