App Defaults

• 1 min read

Inspired by the Hemispheric Views, here is a list of the default apps I use .

For more details checkout my /uses page or for a list of other "App Defaults" blog posts.

  • Mail Client: (macOs), (iOS)
  • Mail Server: Fastmail
  • Notes: Obsidian (macOS), iA Writer (iOS)
  • To-Do: Things 3 [1]
  • iPhone Photo Shooting: iOS Camera, Halide
  • Photo Management: Apple
  • Calendar: (with Fastmail)
  • Cloud File Storage:iCloud Drive
  • RSS: Reeder (currently migrating from Feedbin)
  • Contacts: (with Fastmail)
  • Browser: Safari for leisure, Firefox for work
  • Chat: WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram
  • Bookmarks: Safari/Firefox bookmarks for regularly used bookmarks, Obsidian and a "Links" template to keep track of cool sites I come across
  • Read It Later: Matter; (currently building my own Read-It-Later service)
  • Word Processing: iA Writer,
  • Spreadsheets:
  • Presentations: iA Presenter
  • Shopping Lists: Things 3
  • Meal Planning: Things 3[2]
  • Budgeting and Personal Finance: Firefly III
  • News: RSS Feeds, Republik
  • Music: Spotify, Plexamp
  • Podcasts: Overcast
  • Password Management: 1Password

Bonus Categories #

  1. I've written about my setup in 2022 and 2019. ↩︎

  2. I create a "Meal Plan Week N" project and plan my meals and grocery list this way. ↩︎